The Zeke & Lily Saga

Before Zeke (a “Daddy” and an author) and Lily (a “BabyGirl” and a newspaper columnist) met, they were perfect strangers who shared a common interest in a role playing fetish. They were perfect for each other and though they lived in the same city, they hadn’t met until Lily happened upon Zeke’s profile online.

These stories tell their tale, from courting to love to a possible happily ever after.

In Chronological Order:

Lily (A prequel story)

Her name was Lilian Paddington.  And she was a dreamcatcher.  Lily was always dreaming … a dream every night and often daydreaming spells, too.  She could see what she wanted so very clearly in her mind.  But she was always apprehensive about pursuing her dreams.

Lily wanted the fairy tale, with all the pomp and circumstance and in all its due glory.  She wanted her prince to magically appear and sweep her off her feet, happily ever after awaiting them both.  Despite her never-ending belief, in her late-20s, that prince hadn’t shown himself yet.  All of that was about to change.

This is the prequel story of Lily.  It takes place a few months prior to the start of Zeke and Lily (Book One): Once Upon A Beginning and the last page connects right to the first page of that book.

Breaking Free From What Holds You Back
The Birth of the Dream Elf Connection

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Zeke and Lily: Once Upon a BeginningZeke and Lily: Once Upon a Beginning

Lily is a simple girl with a submissive nature. She longs for a guy to fulfill her dreams and help her heart overcome a troubled past. Zeke is a “Daddy” who longs to find a soul mate who craves a gentle soul and a caring touch.

This is the story of the day they first met face-to-face at a mall in Lancaster County, PA. Neither knew what to expect. All they had was a hopefulness that they had finally found what they were looking for.

Butterflies and “BabyGirls” of the World
How Lily First Took His Breath Away

Every saga has a beginningeven the ABDL ones. 
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Zeke and Lily: OvernightZeke and Lily: Overnight – Zeke and Lily spend the night in his apartment. The result is an evening of events where their separate lives finally collide and they fall in love.

By morning, their fantasies had turned into their reality together.  But will it lead to a “happily ever after” for them?

“Skinny Dipping”
When Mr. Woody Met Lily
“Oh, That Voice”

Remember your first night at “his” place? 

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Zeke and Lily - Making a MemoryZeke and Lily: Making a Memory – Zeke and Lily have bonded their hearts. Their common interest in infantilism has grown into a love for each other. As they head off on a Bahamas vacation, that love deepens. But trouble is on the horizon.

Lily, still letting go of her troubled past, has a secret she deliberately kept from Zeke. Her fear that he will no longer love her increases and she begins to get sick over the decision to tell him the truth.

Zeke has a question to ask Lily. It is a question that is weighing on his heart.

As they enjoy their time in the Caribbean, they both struggle within to overcome their fears. But something happens while in the Bahamas that delays their chance to get the truth out, and they may not recover.

Do Zeke and Lily come home together or did their fantasy love just die in the Bahamas The answer lies within these pages.

The Turbulence & the Saving Grace
“When Mr. Woody took Lily to the Stars”
Before Breakfast in the Bahamas

We all have a favorite vacation from our memories. 
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Zeke and Lily - Her DiaryZeke and Lily: Her Diary – Zeke and Lily’s relationship grows as they move in together.  They return home from a vacation and Lily begins medical treatment for her illness.

Told from Lily’s perspective in ten entries from her diary, she recalls her fears and sadness of being ill by writing of her experiences in the first two months of her treatment.

By the end of the book, a problem arises, threatening to separate them and she struggles with her emotions to find a solution.

(In it’s printed or downloadable formats, this book contains the hand-drawn pictures Lily made while writing the journal. In all other formats, it’s not possible to show them.)

Read the Sample: Entry One
Listen to the Sample: Entry One (as read by Barbarellastar from FetLife)
Read: The Kind of Girl You Bring Home to Meet Your Mother

Ever wonder what a girl writes in her diary? How about an AB Girl? 
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Zeke and Lily - Ever AfterZeke and Lily: Ever After

First, they met face-to-face in Once Upon a Beginning.
Then, there was a sleepover in Overnight.
Then, a Caribbean vacation in Making a Memory.
Then, they moved in together in Her Diary.

Now they approach an Ever After.   Will it be Happily?

The Holiday Season has arrived and Lily is filled with the joys of Christmas. She and Zeke spend the holidays with an assortment of eclectic friends. They find out that having friends, through the good times and the bad is a blessing in disguise.

With Yuletide in full bloom, Lily and Zeke deal with a serious and dangerous adjustment to her medical treatment, pregnancy, emergency trips to the hospital, a rather heated return from her abusive father and a secret Christmas Wish that Lily desperately prays to come true.

Spend Christmas with Zeke and Lily, in this, the 5th story in their saga.

“What She Found on the Front Seat”
“When Mr. Woody helped Lily turn a Windmill”

Knowing for certain has never felt so good. 

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Zeke and Lily - Dream CatchingZeke and Lily: Dream Catching

Winter in Lancaster County is over … well almost. Maybe one more snowstorm yet to deal with. Zeke couldn’t be happier to see the cold weather leave while Lily could stand a few more opportunities to make snow angels before spring arrives.

So much is happening as Lily’s sister enters the end of her pregnancy. The couples which Lily and Zeke have befriended are all married and making plans to expand their own families soon.

Zeke and Lily are just a few months from their wedding day. As Lily’s illness remains so does the concern for her health. Zeke splits his time between New York City (attending meetings with a publication company for his book) and Lancaster (tending to Lily’s frail condition while getting ready for marriage).

Marriages, pregnancies, health – all issues on Lily’s mind that culminate into nightmares she begins to have about people she loves being hurt or killed.

The nightmares intensify and after a few deja vu moments prove her nightmares to be premonitions, she seeks help from a psychologist before she loses her mind.

Her greatest fear is losing every good thing in her life – a scenario which has played out many times before in her life, leaving her heart broken and empty.

When her nightmares begin to include Zeke getting harmed, she comes to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

But the ever-patient Zeke – the Daddy in her life, walks her through each trial as it arises. She comes to appreciate the things she may have been overlooking all along.

Will a half moon amulet from a trinket shop bring Zeke a protection he never knew he needed?

Will Lily’s magic touch be strong enough when she needs it to be the most?

Follow Zeke and Lily (and Pretzel), Grant and Keira (and Nittany), Billy and Taylor (and baby on the way), a dragon-tattooed man, Mr. Woody and Erica as the catching of dreams leads to a final chapter that couldn’t be seen coming.


Saturday, April 16th
Pink Monopoly and the Princess Fortress Story  Audio
Dirty Laundry and Cartoon Napping Story  Audio
When Mr. Woody showed Lily the Answers Inside

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Aria and the Countryside

“The CountrySide” is an alternate world which humans can only visit in their dreams.

Mr. Woody, the dream elf who appears in Lily’s dreams, teaches a class of young dream elflings, preparing them for the day they make their human connections and begin to appear in humans’ dreams.

A dream elf’s job is to connect with a human through dreams and guide that human through the most difficult times in their life.

Aria is a dream elf who has not discovered her human connection yet.  There is a lot of mystery surrounding her since she was born with braided red hair.  This is believed to mean she is special in some way from all the others.  But no one knows the meaning, not even her.

Along her journey, she learns who she is and falls in love with a dream elf named Neph.  From nights in the forest to dances with unicorns to diving for magic pearls in the great lake, she falls head-over-heels for Neph, learning so much about herself along the way.

When she finally discovers her human connection, she is immediately sent into his dreams to prevent a catastrophe from unfolding.

Join Mr. Woody, Aria, Neph, a whole community of dream elves and even the appearances of Zeke and Lily (through dream sequences) as this fairy tale shows that the key to knowing yourself is to believe in who you are all ready.

There’s more to this story than meets the eye as it possesses a bit of information necessary to understanding the conclusion to Zeke and Lily: Dream Catching.

The Feeling She Had Inside

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Zeke and Lily - Resolutios Part OneZeke and Lily: Resolutions (Part One)

Summer has returned.
Zeke & Lily will soon be an Uncle & an Aunt.
Their wedding day approaches.
And they have never been more in love.

Lily’s happiness has never been so bright and her smile has never been so wide.

Yet, the truth of the matter is:  Her illness is worsening and her stability of health is now at serious risk of failing.

Lily has begun listening to the ticking of her maternal clock.  But her health may not make having a baby a possibility.

Through adversity, they remain in love and as her frailty makes her need for his care a necessity, she falls victim to the reality that, though their love is stronger than anything else, her body is human.

Zeke and Lily: Resolutions (Part One) is the 7th book in the series and shows the power we possess when life deals us a hand we can’t possibly win.

But for Zeke and Lily, they remain strong through weakness: 

Traveling together. 
Standing still together. 
For the Long Haul.

“Pillow Talk”
“When Mr. Woody helped Lily become Surrounded with Love”

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Zeke and Lily - Resolutions Part TwoZeke and Lily: Resolutions (Part Two)

If given one chance, could you find the words to be better than you had ever been before?

Would you have the strength and perseverance to brave the icy currents of a mind lost within its own guilt?

Or travel the path less taken, filled with all the creatures of childhood nightmares, to bring back the one you love?

Even an unbridled and unbroken will to protect and survive most one day face the challenge of a lifetime.  But no one is able to face every challenge and always win.  The truest test of one’s will is find how to move forward from the defeats we simply can’t admit to.

Zeke and Lily: Resolutions (Part Two), the eighth book in their saga, shows the strength we sometimes don’t know we have, in the connection of soul mates.

“The Point of No Return”
“Written in the Stars”
“When Mr. Woody helped Lily follow the light”

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Zeke and Lily:  By Summer’s EndZeke and Lily - By Summer's EndIt’s late April. Zeke & Lily return for a summer they won’t see again for quite a few years to come.

In the past, they addressed the challenges thrown their way with a broader imagination of what life could hold if they didn’t chop it up along the way.  But this summer is different and as life continues to move forward, they suddenly find themselves with limited time and only a few pages left before this chapter of their lives ends and the next one begins.

Join Zeke and Lily as they prepare for the future by tying up the loose ends of the past.  And along the way, Lily tries to complete her list … By Summer’s End.

Being Zeke & Lily
Lily’s To-Do List
“When Mr. Woody Helped Lily Put it All Together”
Lily of the Forest
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Zeke and Lily: For A LifeTimeZeke and Lily - For A LifeTimeEvery LifeTime has a story.  Every story has a beginning & an end, telling of the journey & of the destination.

Life will throw you curve balls and you’ll get knocked down.  But leading a charmed life doesn’t necessarily have to do with having everything handed to you and made perfect.  There’s a merit in blazing your own trail, journeying with someone and reaching a destination that makes you turn around and smile at how you got there.

With Lucy’s birth on their doorstep, Zeke and Lily learn to become parents while also learning to fall in love with each other all over again, finishing a dream island vacation they started years ago and ending at an altar with sand between their toes.

Confessions In the Moonlight
Making New Friends and Getting Poopy

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Zeke and Lily: Ten Years LaterZeke and Lily Williams have enjoyed ten years of marriage.  They’ve started a family and have done the one thing they always promised each other they would do … evolve together through life.

As family responsibilities had long-since become a routine of daily life, they still retained their dynamic bond, but had put it second in importance.  Family came first always, as well it should.

But now with a week to themselves, kid-free and with the sky being the only limit, Zeke and Lily decide to rekindle the dynamic that first brought them together.

Join Zeke and Lily for this 11th installment of their romantic saga, ten years later, and see what gifts remain after Christmas day.

The Things That Change.  The Things That Don’t.
The Princess of Infantilum 2

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The Zeke and Lily Literary Universe
Zeke and Lily: Once Upon a Beginning Zeke and Lily: Overnight Zeke and Lily - Making a Memory Zeke and Lily - Her Diary Zeke and Lily - Ever After Zeke and Lily - Dream Catching Zeke and Lily - Resolutions Part One Zeke and Lily - Resolutions Part Two Zeke and Lily - By Summer's End
Zeke and Lily - For A LifeTime 

  Lily     Book 1   Book 2  Book 3 Book 4  Book 5  Book 6   Book 7 Book 8 Book 9 
Book 10 Book 11

Also attached to this series is:

Aria and the CountrySide

Taking place simultaneously with the end of book 6.

The Story of Lucy

Taking place years later.


Zeke’s cousin finds his Daddy side.

Full Force II: Dream Land

Dakota’s tale of forced regression continues when she schedules a regressive therapy session with a lady who turns out to be Lily’s Aunt.

The Creole Crawl

Zeke and Lily appear in a karaoke night at the famous New Orleans bar.

If you like the Zeke and Lily Literary Universe, I would also recommend:

……… The Mia Series ……….. and  …….. The Country Rose Series